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How to care for your new cosmetic tattoo.


It all starts with a good canvas! The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated.  Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

  • Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure

  • Do not tan two weeks prior to the service, or have a sunburned face

  • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to the procedure

  • Do not work out the day of the procedure

  • Do not have botox 3 weeks prior to the procedure

  • Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to the procedure (they are natural blood thinners)

  • Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days prior to the procedure.

In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit:

  • Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before your tattoo

  • Do not consume coffee before your procedure (or any caffeinated drinks or chocolate)

  • Do not take an Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (these also thin the blood)


Guidelines to the healing of your newly microblade eyebrows

  • Avoid washing or any type of water on or near the treated area for 7-10 days.

  • In the shower, use your angel care gel for protection, apply a little rice amount on your brows in case water enters but be EXTRA careful that this does NOT OCCUR.

  • Avoid heavy sweating and exercise for 5-7 days.

  • Avoid picking or scratching the treated area. Let the dead skin fall off and scab should you have any.

  • Avoid any treatments involving touching the brows such as facials, lash extensions, Botox etc. 10 days.

  • Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach if you do this. Use pillows to help support your head at night while sleeping on your back. Even a travel neck pillow might help.

  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms and swimming in an ocean or pool for 10 days.

  • Avoid using makeup on the eyebrows for 10 days.

  • Blush and lipstick can be used after treatment but avoid using eyeshadows. Keep your eye makeup away from the treated area.

  • Should you run out or misplace your angel care gel, using Aquaphor is acceptable in very small amounts. No other ointments other than these brands.

  • Neosporin and bacitracin type of products should be avoided in the treatment area because they may negatively affect the color retention.

  • Sunbathing and tanning beds should be avoided for 10 days.

  • Avoid using Vaseline, Neosporin or other petroleum-based products while healing.

  • Do not bleach, tint, or dye the treated area for at least one month following the procedure.

  • Do not apply any anti-acne products or lightening creams to the treated area. (e.g. Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, proactive etc.)

  • No anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs) Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic Acids.

  • Do not thread wax or use hair removal products on the treated area while healing.




How to care for your treated eyebrows after treatment:

  • REMEMBER, open wounds need OXYGEN to heal. So, a little of your aquaphor Gel goes a long way.

  • Always wash your hands before cleaning your brows.

  1. 2 hours after treatment:

    1. Use your Cetaphil soap,  put a tiny amount on her finger tips, create a lather and dab it onto your brows, DO NOT WIPE! Using a warm damp wash cloth dab offany access soap.

    2. Follow this with a “rice” size of Aquaphor gel.

    3. This will help soften the lymph and protect your newly treated brows.

    4. Before bed: Do the same steps above.

      1. Try to sleep on your back…support your head with pillows to help.

      2. And have a clean pillowcase.

  2. Days 1-3 after the microblading treatment: DO NOT wipe your brows for the first three days and AVOID direct water on the treated area.

    1. Do the following steps three times a day or more if needed.

      1. Morning clean and put the ointment on. Middle of the day you do the same thing. If you feel you have to do it again before bed, go for it. And Before bed do the same steps.

    2. Your Aquaphor gel should not look like your wearing lip gloss, a small rice size amount every time is enough.

    3. Use your Cetaphil soap,  put a tiny amount on her finger tips, create a lather and dab it onto your brows, DO NOT WIPE! Using a warm damp wash cloth dab offany access soap.

    4. Follow this with a “rice” size of Aquaphor gel.

    5. Before every cleaning WASH YOUR HANDS.

  3. Days 4-7

  4. WASH YOUR HANDS before cleaning

  5. The goal days 4-7 is to see if you can go longer during the day without cleaning/ointment.

  6. For the morning follow your days 1-3 procedure above.

  7. Follow this with a “rice” size of Aquaphor gel.

  8. During the day is when you will gage if you can go longer without cleaning….if you feel itchy go ahead and clean and put ointment on.

  9. However, if you feel normal, go without cleaning and ointment.

  10. Before Bed: Please clean your brows and put ointment on before bed.

4. Days 8+

  1. You should need less cleaning and gel.

  2. You can take a shower and introduce water…but if your unsure, check with your technician.

  3. If you feel itchy at any point, go a head and clean the brows and place ointment on.

  4. 6-8 weeks from your treatment appointment you should have scheduled your follow-up appointment…if you have not, please contact your technician.

  5. It will take 28 days to a month to have fully healed brows…so please be gentle with them even after your 1-10 days of aftercare.

  6. Once Healed:

  7. Exposure to the sun or sun tanning booths over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, you may apply sunscreen on the treated area. Hats are a great source of protection as well.

  8. Glycolic acid, microdermabrasion’s and chemical peels can lighten the pigment.

  9. Inform your laser technician that you have had work done on your brows. Laser treatments can darken, lighten or discolor the tattooed area.

  10. Once the treated area is completely healed, any changes or additions that need to be made can be done at your follow-up appointment no sooner then 6-8 weeks later.

  11. Should an infection occur, once healed, seek medical attention.

  12. What to expect after treatment

  13. Itching feeling, light scabbing, and tightness.

  14. Darker or slightly thicker, uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade. Adjustments can be made during your follow up appointment.

  15. Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear. The procedure area must be completely healed before we can address any concerns. This takes 4-6 weeks.

  16. There are no implied or written guarantees if you do not take care of your PMU eyebrows.


Remember, with the proper prep and aftercare routine, you will have much better results with your microblading procedure. 


Important note about showering:

Limit your showers to 5 minutes so that you do not create too much steam. Keep your face/procedure area out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair. Wash your hair from the back, not the front of your face to avoid water getting on your face/brows. 

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